An Advance Authorization

An Advance Authorization is issued to allow duty free import of inputs, which are physically incorporated in the export product (making normal allowances for wastage) subject to actual user condition. Such Authorizations are exempted from payment of basic customs duty, additional customs duty, anti dumping duty and safeguard duty, if any.

We are a team of qualified and experienced professionals with a proven track record serving a broad spectrum of clients- MNCs, Indian Corporations, Global Trading Organizations.
An Advance Authorization can be applied -

As per Standard Input Output Norms (SION) notified (available in HandBook of Procedures.

On the basis of self declaration as per paragraph 4.07 of Handbook of Procedures.

Applicant specific prior fixation of the norm by the Norms Committee.

On the basis of Self Ratification Scheme in terms of Para 4.07A of Foreign Trade Policy.

Advance Authorizations can also be issued to -

Advance Authorizations can also be issued for supplies with in India that are categorized as Deemed Exports. Purposes like supplies to Mega Power projects, Projects funded by IBRD/IDA/ADB UN Agencies EOUs etc.

Advance Authorizations are issued with an obligation to export the quantity and value of goods mentioned therein ion a fixed period of 18 months. Before imports customs ask for a bond guarantee towards security for duty saved, till export obligation is fulfilled.

Advance Authorizations or materials imported against cannot be transferred even after completion of Export Obligation.

Advance Authorizations are also available for Annual requirement under SION.

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